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Selasa, 10 April 2012

To Ideal Body

       Ideal body with a fine sixpack muscle with sharp can make you a man inspired with maximum performance. Various business and fitness in muscle formation lived with gusto. The result? Dream body still has not been achieved. Is there anything wrong?In an effort to raise the weight with a perfectly formed muscle, often you only focus on fitness and forget the other important elements, namely the pattern and type of menu, and supplements consumed. Attempts to gain weight with muscle mass optimal, certainly not enough to rigorous training, but also to be supported with proper nutrition.

LysiniciousLysine is one type of amino acids that affect appetite. So make sure you always choose foods that have a high content of lysine. Milk products and derivatives, such as cheese and yoghurt is an alternative appetite. If you do not like milk and its derivatives, you can eat whole grains and nuts such as almonds, corn, and soybeans.

Meet The MeatMake beef, chicken and turkey as one of your required menu. High protein in the menu is perfect for your muscle mass increase. But be careful! The process of determining the outcome. Notice the way of processing to optimize the amount of protein that enters your body. Foods that are steamed or baked goods will be much better than fried, because frying oil will only increase in body fat mass. You can also make variations with several types of grains such as beans and peas that contain the amino acid leucine as an alternative to a more optimal muscle growth. The researchers in Clermont-Ferrand-Theix Research Center in France have shown that leucine shown to inhibit the degradation process of the muscles in the body.

Break The EggYou feel tired of eating meat? Complete your program with the eggs. There are two benefits at once in an egg that you eat. Make the egg whites are rich in protein for your muscle mass growth. Each part of the egg whites you eat, will optimize the stamina for the formation of muscle in your body.

Healthy FishYou do not like food made from meat or eggs? Fish is a healthy choice to assist your body's muscle building program. Tuna and salmon are rich in protein may be one menu must for your muscles. Efficacy of fish for muscle formation was not inferior to meat and eggs.

It's Snack TimeA diet that is often certainly will accelerate weight gain. Do not waste time! Choose snacks that are high in protein and low in fat. Protein bar is a good choice. If you want something more natural, consume fruits that can provide a sense of fullness without adding fat. Apples, apricots, and pears are the best alternative is rich in benefits. Guide of us: The best time to enjoy a snack is the time between breakfast and lunch and in the afternoon between lunch and dinner.

CarbohydratesDo not get too busy to exercise, you forget about carbohydrates. Carbohydrates is vitally important as an energy source. Exercises that are too high without enough energy sources, can make endurance declined sharply.But not to excess, because excess carbohydrates can be processed into fat in your body. Eat enough, approximately 800 kcal a day. If you feel bored with rice, look for other sources of carbohydrates such as whole grain bread. In addition to derive energy, whole grain bread also contains an essential lysine in the growth process of your muscles.You can also use oats as a breakfast menu for you. Do not forget to vary with the combination of fresh fruits for a delicious taste sensation. In addition, sweet potatoes can also be a source of healthy carbohydrates and rich in beta carotene which are useful to help fight free radicals, increase endurance, and prevent skin damage by sunlight.

Say No To Bad FatThe negative stigma often encourage us to avoid fat. The reality is not necessarily always the case. Fat is a macro-nutrients are still needed by the body. Eat foods that contain good fats, like omega-3 and omega-6. Avoid foods that contain fats are bad. Bad fats found in foods containing high saturated fatty acids, trans fat (trans fat), and cholesterol.

FruitsEat fruits and vegetables every day - Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients vital for good health and growth. You can choose a family such as berries, blueberry, cranberry, and cherry that could be natural antioxidants for your body and make you sleep more soundly.

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To Ideal Body